
Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation Office

Contact us

Office manager name:

a. Khaled Al-Suwayeh




Master of Laws


Leadership in spreading the culture of quality and following up the implementation of general policies for performance evaluation and quality assurance for all academic departments and administrative offices at the university.

Applying academic standards and spreading a culture of quality to improve educational and research performance, community service, and the university environment by achieving the university’s vision, mission and Objectives

• Setting general policies for performance evaluation and quality assurance.

• Spreading the culture of academic and administrative quality among the university departments.

• Contribute to the continuous improvement of educational and research performance.

• Cooperation with other educational institutions in the areas of quality and the development of the educational process.

• Supervising and following up the development of the university's strategic plans and executive plans for departments and offices .

Department contacts



Contact us via the official e-mail of the department